

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

i finally decided...

…to crawl out from the rock that I’ve been hiding under for the last little while.

Not that I’ve been hiding, really. I was just busy watching episodes of The L Word and Desperate Housewives on DVD, courtesy of Maita and her brothers. The good thing is, I was finally able to see for myself what the hype is all about regarding these two shows (and why they won’t ever see the light of day in the Philippines). The not-so-good news is…I’m hooked! Hence, most of my free time for the past two weeks was spent either digging up additional info on the aforementioned shows or watching and re-watching those downloaded episodes. As if I needed additional sources of distraction in my life right now! Hehe. So yeah, something’s gotta give. And in this case, my blogging time was it.

However, as much as I would like to totally immerse myself in the tangled webs that the compelling (albeit fictional) characters of these TV shows weave, I had my own webs of reality to weave and/or disentangle these past two weeks. A bridal shower (from conceptualization to implementation), a funeral (not counting that of Pope JPII’s on TV…hehe), a birthday celebration, a baptism, a youth conference, visits to Payatas, the usual meetings, and (yeah, yeah) some thesis-writing—these are some of the highlights of the past couple of days in my own life’s saga.

This makes me realize how my life pales in comparison with the lives of those charming housewives of Wisteria Lane and those gorgeous L.A. lezzies on TV. Harhar. But then again, this is my reality. And it is the reality that I choose for myself. A life that is simple and without (a whole lot of) complications, but still with its own occasional twists and turns. Hence, at the end of the day, I’m just thankful that I have a reality to call my own…one that, fortunately, gives me enough reason NOT to hide from the world-out-there and lose myself in la-la-land.:)

pol, 8:22 PM


have you been watching season 2 or season 1?.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:55 PM  

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