

Monday, April 25, 2005

the only time i'd wear a gown...

…is when a good friend of mine ties the knot. (And only if that good friend specifically requests me to wear one.)

Well, yesterday was one of those rare times. My good friend, Kat, got married. And of course, I didn’t have the heart to say no to her request for me to wear a gown, or to be part of her entourage for that matter. Although the former (wearing a gown) is personally an ordeal for me, the latter (being part of the entourage) is really quite an honor. Unfortunately, these two always go hand in hand.

I must say, however, that seeing Kat and her now-husband Kelly all happy and glowing during yesterday’s ceremonies was worth all the hassle of dressing up like a girly-girl for a day. I mean apart from the bit about having to walk around dragging this sort-of-a-train attached to the back of my gown (and in high heels at that), or having to find something to do in the 3 ½ hour interval between the end of the wedding and the beginning of the reception (thank goodness for the company of friends!), and for having to sit through a 3 hour dinner (which continued on even after the program has ended), the wedding was truly a beautiful one. It was really well-prepared and coordinated. It was formal and elegant but not lacking in spontaneity either. Not bad for a supposedly “traditional Chinese” wedding. How they did the program was creative and original too. One guest commented that it was a bit over the top. Maybe. But at least you could never call it boring.:)

Also, I must say I was pleasantly surprised to have received two “ampaws” (red letter envelopes)—one each from the side of the bride and of the groom. Apparently, it is a tradition among Chinese families to bestow monetary gifts upon members of their sons’ and daughters’ wedding entourage. Well, I’m not usually a fan of traditional wedding rituals (especially NOT the bouquet-throwing, garter-fitting bit). But I must admit, this “ampaw” thing is one tradition that works for me. Hehe.

Over all, it was a red letter day indeed!


On other news: I was watching flipping through channels a while ago when a teaser in Studio 23 caught my eye…Desperate Housewives coming in May! Oh. My. Gawd. I didn’t see that coming! I was literally jumping up and down with glee. And I thought just a few days ago that it wouldn’t see the light of day in the Philippines. Not this soon anyway. For once, I’m actually glad to be proven wrong. Harhar.

Hmmm…methinks more red letter days are yet to come!

pol, 12:55 AM


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