framily \fram”i*ly\ (n.): 1) friends who are like family; 2) the family one chooses for oneself.
Saturday: 'Despedida' for the Kennedys
The past two days made for such an extraordinary *framily* weekend. I spent it with the circle of friends who, for all intents and purposes, have become more like family to me all these years.
Saturday, in particular, was especially a memorable day for me. It was the last day of Whel, her husband Shaun, and their little big bundle of joy, Ceira, in the Philippines. I played host to them the entire day, from the moment that their plane arrived from Bicol in the morning, to the time that they checked-in for their flight to Ireland in the late afternoon. In between those times, some of our closest friends came over to my place over lunch to spend some time with Whel and her beautiful family. That truly became the perfect opportunity for us to catch up with each other…and to pig out a bit (okay, a lot).:) Note to said friends: Sorry for tempting you away from your diet. Teehee.
The Framily (minus a few others)

Yaya Sisters
Everyone, of course, was happy to see Whel. The real star of the day, however, was lovely little Ceira, that 6-month old scene stealer that is Whel’s baby. We all just couldn’t take our eyes off her! She’s such a darling, what with her chubby cheeks (just like her mum’s) and pleasant disposition (just like her dad’s). I am not the least bit domesticated, but I wouldn’t mind becoming a nanny for a day for a baby as adorable as this one:

Little Ceira with Mummy Whel and Tita Za

Is it feeding time yet?
Too bad Whel and family are leaving. Too bad for us who’ll be missing them, that is. But great for them, really. They’ll be beginning a new life back in UK. And a new beginning is always a good thing. For The Kennedys, the best is yet to come.:)

So long, Kennedys!
~*~*~*~*~*~ Sunday: JVP-Manila Volunteers' Pre-Orsem
The *framily* thing extended over to Sunday, during the (second and last day of the) JVP Pre-Orsem of the 26th batch of volunteers from Manila. As per usual, the said occasion became the perfect excuse for us, the former volunteers, to get together and reminisce about our own JVP experiences (and then celebrate some more over dinner and a movie after the event...hehe). And so, although I did have to do a bit of work (i.e. documentation) for the day, I was just really glad to be with the larger JVP family again and to get to know the new volunteers and their families.
At one point during the seminar, I thought to myself: It’s been 8 years since I myself went through the pre-orsem! At that time, I thought it would only be a one-year thing. And so…why I am still here, involved in JVP’s affairs, after all these years?
And then, towards the end of the event, as the former and current volunteers, their families and friends gathered for the Holy Mass, that ‘ole sense of community crept its way back to me again. And yes, I was reminded of the answer to my own question (which, I guess, I knew all along)... It is with this group of people that I am most myself. It is here where I feel most at home.