

Monday, July 18, 2005

the weekend's big event(s)

If last weekend's big news was Gaimania in Manila, this past weekend's big thing is the release of the sixth book in the Harry Potter series, also known as "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." Although I've pre-ordered a copy of the book through Dondi (who works for a company that allows its employees to order HP6 by-the-bulk), I wasn't actually banking on getting hold of it anytime soon. I figured that that would actually be a good thing, since that would allow me time to focus on editing a couple of my thesis chapters, before I come face-to-face with my adviser this week. I thought, it would actually be perfect timing if I got my copy on the last weekend of July because then, I'd be (hopefully) finished with my manuscript and won't be as harassed.

It turned out that I didn't have to wait that long. By yesterday mid-afternoon, Dondi (a.k.a. Pumbi) came knocking at my door, carrying a box containing three copies of Harry Potter 6 --one for me, one for May8 and one for Maita. Funny, because he was even more excited than I was about getting my book earlier than expected! Harhar. He, of course, already finished reading it, and is itching to discuss it with someone. Two years ago, I finished reading HP5 in two sittings (and this was a time when I was working 6-7 days a week and studying at the same time) largely because of his unrelenting resolve to bug me until I did so. Hehe. (Peace, Pumbi!) This time, I said I won't give in so easily. But last night, I allowed myself to read one chapter...which led to another chapter, and then to the next. Before I knew it, I was more than 1/3 done. Mwahaha! So much for self-control. Hehe. (At least I didn't stay up all night to finish it and ruin my thesis schedule today in the process.)

But that wasn't all there was this past weekend. The other big and more significant event was Tintin's Bridal Shower, which was held at Adiel's and VJ's place last Saturday night. Good food. Good fun. Great company. That's how it was, in a nutshell. Tintin was so "game" facing up to the "challenges" that we threw her, which made everything doubly enjoyable. I spent almost every night preparing for this occasion this past week, so I am sooo glad that it turned out well. (Although, of course, there were a few minor hitches, such as the #29/#69 confusion, which I unwittingly perpetuated. So sorry Edlyn and May8!). I'd post pictures, but well, not everything is Rated-GP so I'd just leave things to your imagination. Mwahaha!

Over all, it was a beautiful shower party for a beautiful bride-to-be...which, I'm sure, is just a prelude to Tintin's beautiful life together with John.:)

And over-all, it was yet another beautiful weekend. A prelude to a beautiful week? Hmm...we'll see about that one.
pol, 12:57 PM


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